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Unrolling loops

Loop unrolling is the process of transforming a loop into a series of statements, which helps eliminate branching and add additional code optimizations.

When compiling C++ code, loop unrolling occurs automatically.

However, functions in Rust have to explicitly use the #[unroll_for_loops] directive (imported from the unroll crate) for loop unrolling to work.

Consider the following examples.

#include <nil/crypto3/algebra/curves/pallas.hpp>

using namespace nil::crypto3::algebra::curves;
typename pallas::base_field_type::value_type pow_2(typename pallas::base_field_type::value_type a) {
typename pallas::base_field_type::value_type res = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
res *= a;
return res;

[[circuit]] typename pallas::base_field_type::value_type
field_arithmetic_example(typename pallas::base_field_type::value_type a,
typename pallas::base_field_type::value_type b) {

typename pallas::base_field_type::value_type c = (a + b) * a + b * (a + b) * (a + b);
const typename pallas::base_field_type::value_type constant = 0x12345678901234567890_cppui255;
return c * c * c / (b - a) + pow_2(a) + constant;